U.S. Stock

Patrons Securities Provides clients with diversified stock trading services, and clients can trade in the US stock market through investment accounts.
U.S. Stock
No other financial market is as large, accessible, transparent, and liquid as the U.S. market. Its transaction volume, market capitalization, and number of listed companies make this market a unique investment opportunity for international investors.
U.S. Stock | Patrons Securities  | Patrons Financial Holdings
Mature Market with Long History

The U.S. stock market is the largest concentration of wealth in history, and the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq together constitute the largest financial market in the world.

High Circulation Volume

Looking at the New York Stock Exchange alone, stocks traded at 7.6 times the value in London in 2018, 3.1 times in Tokyo and 8.3 times in Hong Kong. The U.S. market is also the most traded, which means you have a good chance of finding a buyer or seller of any stock.

U.S. Stock | Patrons Securities  | Patrons Financial Holdings