Open Individual Account

Open Your Account
In order to satisfy the needs of different clients, Patrons provides two account opening methods for you.
Open Individual Account| Patrons Securities | Patrons Financial Holdings
Open Account Online

Patrons provides 24 hours online account opening serviece, you can submit your application without having to leave your home.

Open Account Here

Open Account Offline

You can either visit Patrons Securities office in person or complete the paper version of the account opening form and mail it together with the required documents to our office.


Address: Unit 3214, 32/Floor, Cosco Tower,

183 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, HK

Hotline: +852 3192 9588     

Fax: +852 3192 4218

Open Individual Account| Patrons Securities | Patrons Financial Holdings
Account Opening Documents

The required documents for account opening vary depending on the type of identity document.

Identity Document Types
Hong Kong Identity Card 1. Proof of identity document
2. Proof of residential address (the document should be a bank statement or public utility bill issued within the last three months and clearly showing the name of the applicant)
3. Bank account (bank account opened by a licensed bank in Hong Kong)
4. Bank Deposit Receipt (please note that the initial deposit should be not less than HK$10,000 and successfully transferred from the bank account opened in the name of client at a licensed bank in Hong Kong to the bank account of Patrons Securities Limited)
China Resident Identity Card (PRC) 1. Proof of identity document and facial recognition to verify the account opening identity
2. Proof of residential address (the document should be a bank statement or public utility bill issued within the last three months and clearly showing the name of the applicant)
3. Bank account (bank account opened by a bank supervised by a banking regulator in an eligible jurisdiction)
4. Bank Deposit Receipt (please note that the initial deposit should be not less than HK$10,000 and successfully transferred from the bank account opened in the name of client at a licensed bank supervised by a banking regulator in an eligible jurisdiction to the bank account of Patrons Securities Limited)
Passports From Other Countries 1. Proof of identity document
2. Proof of residential address (the document should be a bank statement or public utility bill issued within the last three months and clearly showing the name of the applicant)
3. Bank account (bank account opened by a bank supervised by a banking regulator in an eligible jurisdiction)
4. Bank Deposit Receipt (please note that the initial deposit should be not less than HK$10,000 and successfully transferred from the bank account opened in the name of client at a licensed bank supervised by a banking regulator in an eligible jurisdiction to the bank account of Patrons Securities Limited)
Remarks: Eligible jurisdictions include: Hong Kong, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.